Gillian Lim



World Youth 2018
- Team Bronze

Sukma Perak 2018
- Single Silver
- Doubles Gold
- Mix doubles Gold
- Team Gold

20th Asian Youth Tenpin Bowling Championships 2019
- Doubles gold
- Team bronze
- All events silver
- Masters gold

40th Malaysian International Open 2019
- Girls Open - 2nd place
- Women Open - 6th place

2nd Brunswick Youth Challenge 2019
- Youth 21 combine division 5th
- Youth girls champion
- Team champion

Astro 32nd Interstate Bowling Championship 2019
- Women Singles Champion

43rd Malaysian National Closed 2019
- Girls Open - 2nd place

Kota Kinabalu UMS 25th Anniversary Open 2019
- Open combine division - 3rd place

31st Sea Games Vietnam 2022
Doubles - Bronze
Team - Silver

Brunswick Youth Challenge 2022
Girls Under 23 - Third place

Sukma XX MSN 2022
Team event - Gold

26th Asian Tenpin Bowling Championship 2023
Trios - Silver

47th MWA Singha Thailand International Open 2023
Womens Open - 3rd place

IBF World Bowling Championships 2023
Womens Team Event - Silver

Pesta Bowling Terbuka W.P Kuala Lumpur 2023
Womens Open - 1st place
Combine Division - 5th place


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